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783 lines
* timerIntersil.c --
* This file contains routines that manipulate the Intersil
* ICM7170 real-time clock chip for the SUN-3.
* (For a detailed explanation of the chip, see the data sheet
* for the ICM7170 [Dec. 1985, 301680-005].)
* The Intersil chip is used to provide perdiodic interrupts
* and contains a set of free-running counters that keep track of time.
* The routine in this file are used to setup the chip to
* cause interrupts every 10 milliseconds (100th of second)
* and maintain the time since the counters were initialized.
* According to the Sun-3 Architecture manual (rev. 2.0, 25 July
* 1985), The chip's "interrupt output signal causes an interrupt
* request on level 5 or 7 via the interrupt register." The routines
* in this file set and reset the level-5 interrupt enable bit in the
* interrupt register. It also assumed that level-7 interrupts are
* disabled.
* The AMD timer chip on the Sun-2 provides several timers and
* two of them are used by the Timer_ module for controlling the
* callback queue and profiling. Unfortunately the Intersil chip
* provides just one timer. The two timers used by the Timer module
* are built from the chip's single timer. Thus whenever the
* Intersil chip's timer interrupts, the two virtual timers
* can appear to have gone off. Unlike the timers on the Sun-2,
* the virtual timers can not cause indepdent interrupts.
* The free-running counters on the Intersil chip can be used to
* keep the time of day in Unix format (i.e. the time since 1/1/1970).
* The counter is used here to keep track of the amount of time
* since the system was booted.
* Additional Timer_Counter routines are provided to convert from/to
* 32-bit interval values (described in timerClock.c) to/from time.
* The interval represents an machine-dependent format for small
* time values. For the Sun-3, an interval is a fraction of second
* because it is easily converted to the units that the free-running
* counters count in.
* Copyright 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/timer/sun3.md/RCS/timerIntersil.c,v 9.3 90/10/19 15:59:00 rab Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sprite.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <machConst.h>
#include <devAddrs.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <timerInt.h>
#include <timerIntersilInt.h>
#include <spriteTime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* For profiling call */
#include "prof.h"
/* For CallBack call */
#include "timer.h"
static volatile TimerDevice *timerRegsPtr =
(volatile TimerDevice *) DEV_TIMER_ADDR;
* Flags to indicate whether a timer is enabled or not.
static Boolean profileIntrsWanted = FALSE;
static Boolean callbackIntrsWanted = FALSE;
* Initial state of the timer's interrupt enable/disable bit.
static int timerIntrState = INTR_DISABLE;
static int timerActive = FALSE;
* Frequency of the timer's interrupts.
* Initial values of the free-running counters.
* According to the Intersil data sheet, the month and day
* counters start counting at 1.
static IntersilCounters initialCounter = {
0, /* hundredths */
0, /* hours */
0, /* minutes */
0, /* seconds */
1, /* month */
1, /* day */
0, /* year */
0, /* dayOfWeek */
* Routine to calculate a time value from the values in the free-running
* counters.
static void CountersToTime();
int Timer_TimerServiceInterrupt();
* Timer interval expressed as an integer and as a Time. This is the
* period between callbacks, so it is actually twice the timer period
* since we callback every other time. A tick on a sun3 is 1 ms and
* we callback every 20 ms.
static unsigned int interval = TIMER_CALLBACK_INTERVAL_APPROX / 1000;
static Time time = { 0, TIMER_CALLBACK_INTERVAL_APPROX};
* Constants used to convert the contents of the free-running counters
* to time in seconds and microseconds.
#define SECS_PER_MIN 60
* Number of seconds since the beginning of the year to the
* beginning of a month.
static int accumSecsPerMonth[13] = {
0, /* nothing */
0 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jan */
31 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Feb */
59 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Mar */
90 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Apr */
120 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* May */
151 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jun */
181 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jul */
212 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Aug */
243 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Sep */
273 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Oct */
304 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Nov */
334 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Dec */
* Version of above for leap years.
static int accumSecsPerMonthLeap[13] = {
0, /* nothing */
0 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jan */
31 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Feb */
60 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Mar */
91 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Apr */
121 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* May */
152 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jun */
182 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Jul */
213 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Aug */
244 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Sep */
274 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Oct */
305 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Nov */
335 * SECS_PER_DAY, /* Dec */
* Timer_TimerInit --
* Initialize the ICM7170 chip.
* N.B. This routine must be called before Timer_TimerStart.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The timer is initialized and ready to start ticking.
unsigned short timer; /* Ignored for Sun-3 version. */
static Boolean init = FALSE;
unsigned char c;
if (!init) {
init = TRUE;
* Register our call back function.
Mach_SetHandler(29, Timer_TimerServiceInterrupt, (ClientData) 0);
* Tell the chip to prevent interrupts.
timerIntrState = INTR_DISABLE;
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(RUN, timerIntrState);
* Tell the chip to cause periodic interrupts.
timerRegsPtr->interruptReg = TIMER_INTR_FREQ;
* Read the chip's interrupt register to clear any pending inerrupts.
c = timerRegsPtr->interruptReg;
#ifdef lint
c = c;
* Timer_TimerStart --
* Start the timer so it will cause periodic interrupts.
* N.B. The timer must have been initialized with Timer_TimerInit
* before this routine is called.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The timer starts ticking.
unsigned short timer;
if (timer == TIMER_CALLBACK_TIMER) {
callbackIntrsWanted = TRUE;
} else if (timer == TIMER_PROFILE_TIMER) {
profileIntrsWanted = TRUE;
} else {
panic("Timer_TimerStart: unknown timer %d\n", timer);
if (!timerActive) {
timerActive = TRUE;
* Tell the chip to start counting and allow it to cause interrupts.
timerIntrState = INTR_ENABLE;
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(RUN, INTR_ENABLE);
* Enable timer interrupts in the system's interrupt register.
*Mach_InterruptReg |= MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR;
* Timer_TimerInactivate --
* Stops the timer so that it will not cause interrupts.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The timer is stopped.
register unsigned short timer;
if (timer == TIMER_CALLBACK_TIMER) {
callbackIntrsWanted = FALSE;
} else if (timer == TIMER_PROFILE_TIMER) {
profileIntrsWanted = FALSE;
} else {
panic("Timer_TimerInactivate: unknown timer %d\n", timer);
* If neither type of timer interrupt is wanted, then disable
* timer interrupts.
if (!callbackIntrsWanted && !profileIntrsWanted) {
timerActive = FALSE;
*Mach_InterruptReg &= ~MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR;
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(RUN, INTR_DISABLE);
#if 0
* Timer_TimerGetStatus --
* Clears the interrupt pending bit in the interrupt register
* and reads the interrupt status register (ISR) of the chip.
* The ISR must be read in order to reset the interrupt, according
* to the Intersil data sheet (p.6, "Periodic Interrupts").
* (It seems that the value is always 0.) According to the
* Sun-3 architure manual (p.31), the level-5 bit in the interrupt
* register must be toggled to clear the interrupt.
* Results:
* The value of the status register.
* Side effects:
* The interrupt is cleared.
#ifndef lint
static unsigned short
unsigned char statusReg;
unsigned char intrReg;
intrReg = *Mach_InterruptReg & MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL7_INTR;
*Mach_InterruptReg &= ~(MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR |
statusReg = timerRegsPtr->interruptReg;
*Mach_InterruptReg |= (MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR |
* Read the chip again in case an obscure race condition occurs.
* (This is how Sun handles it.)
statusReg = timerRegsPtr->interruptReg;
* Timer_TimerExamineStatus --
* Assuming the interrupt is valid, return TRUE or FALSE if
* the interrupt is or is not allowed for the specified timer.
* (The status register is always 0 on the Sun-3 so we can't tell
* if the chip really did interrupt.)
* This routine is used to decrease the frequency of
* a virtual timer. The callback timer's frequency is
* one-half of the real timer's frequency.
* Results:
* TRUE if the timer interrupted.
* FALSE if the timer did not interrupt.
* Side effects:
* The callback virtual timer's toggle is changed.
#ifndef lint
static Boolean
Timer_TimerExamineStatus(statusReg, timer, spuriousPtr)
unsigned int statusReg; /* Ignored because it is always 0. */
unsigned int timer; /* Virtual Timer # */
Boolean *spuriousPtr; /* Always set FALSE. */
static Boolean callbackTimerToggle = FALSE;
* Assume we never get a spurious interrupt because the statusReg
* value is always 0 on the Sun-3.
*spuriousPtr = FALSE;
if (timer == TIMER_CALLBACK_TIMER) {
* Cut the timer's frequency in half.
callbackTimerToggle = !callbackTimerToggle;
} else if (timer == TIMER_PROFILE_TIMER) {
if (profileIntrsWanted) {
} else {
} else {
printf("Timer_TimerExamineStatus: unknown timer %d\n",
* Timer_TimerServiceInterrupt --
* This routine is called at every timer interrupt.
* It calls the timer callback queue handling if the callback timer
* expired and calls the profiling interrupt handling if the
* profile callback timer expired.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Routines on the timer queue may cause side effects. Profile
* collect may take place.
Timer_TimerServiceInterrupt(clientData, stack)
ClientData clientData;
Mach_IntrStack stack;
* Determine if the callback and profile timers have expired.
* Timer_TimerExamineStatus has the side effect of clearing the timer's
* "cause interrupt" bit if it was set.
* The profile timer is checked first because routines on the callback
* queue might cause a delay in collecting profiling information.
unsigned short timerStatus;
register unsigned char intrReg;
static Boolean callbackTimerToggle = FALSE;
* Begin in-lined Timer_TimerGetStatus(). This is done mostly
* to clear the interrupt as the status returned is always zero.
intrReg = *Mach_InterruptReg & MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL7_INTR;
*Mach_InterruptReg &= ~(MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR |
timerStatus = timerRegsPtr->interruptReg;
*Mach_InterruptReg |= (MACH_ENABLE_LEVEL5_INTR |
* Read the chip again in case an obscure race condition occurs.
* (This is how Sun handles it.)
timerStatus = timerRegsPtr->interruptReg;
#ifdef lint
timerRegsPtr->interruptReg = timerStatus;
* End in-lined Timer_TimerGetStatus
if (mach_KernelMode) {
* Check for kernel profiling. We'll sample the PC here.
assert((stack.excStack.statusReg & MACH_SR_SUPSTATE) != 0);
if (profileIntrsWanted) {
} else {
* Save pc for user profiling.
assert((stack.excStack.statusReg & MACH_SR_SUPSTATE) == 0);
Proc_GetCurrentProc()->Prof_PC = stack.excStack.pc;
* Cut the call-back frequency in half.
callbackTimerToggle = !callbackTimerToggle;
if (callbackTimerToggle) {
return 0;
* Timer_CounterInit --
* Initializes the chip's free-running counters.
* The STOP command stops the counter and the RUN command turns
* it back on.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(STOP, timerIntrState);
timerRegsPtr->counter = initialCounter;
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(RUN, timerIntrState);
* Timer_CounterRead --
* Read the contents of the counters. Interrupts are assumed
* to be disabled to assure that the counters are read atomically.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Timer_Ticks *timePtr; /* Time from the counters. */
IntersilCounters counter;
* Read the chip's counters.
counter = timerRegsPtr->counter;
CountersToTime(&counter, timePtr);
* CountersToTime --
* Converts the values in the Intersil free-running counters
* to a time value.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static void
CountersToTime(counterPtr, timePtr)
register IntersilCounters *counterPtr;
register Time *timePtr;
register int seconds = 0;
register int *accumPtr;
if (counterPtr->year != 0) {
seconds += (counterPtr->year * SECS_PER_YEAR) +
(((counterPtr->year + 3) / 4) * SECS_PER_DAY);
* Is it a leap year?
if ((counterPtr->year % 4) == 0) {
accumPtr = accumSecsPerMonthLeap;
} else {
accumPtr = accumSecsPerMonth;
timePtr->seconds = seconds +
accumPtr[counterPtr->month] +
((counterPtr->day - 1) * SECS_PER_DAY) +
(counterPtr->hours * SECS_PER_HOUR) +
(counterPtr->minutes * 60) +
timePtr->microseconds = (counterPtr->hundredths * HUNDREDTH_SECOND);
/* @#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@ DEBUGGING CODE @#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@ */
* Timer_TimerGetInfo --
* Debugging routine to print the contents of the free-running
* counters.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
ClientData data; /* Ignored. */
IntersilCounters counter;
Time time;
if ((int) data == 1) {
timerRegsPtr->commandReg = IntersilCommand(RUN, INTR_ENABLE);
counter = timerRegsPtr->counter;
printf("Hundredths %d\n", counter.hundredths);
printf("Seconds %d\n", counter.seconds);
printf("Minutes %d\n", counter.minutes);
printf("Hours %d\n", counter.hours);
printf("Day %d\n", counter.day);
printf("Month %d\n", counter.month);
printf("Year %d\n", counter.year);
printf("Day of Week %d\n", counter.dayOfWeek);
CountersToTime(&counter, &time);
printf("Time: %d.%06u\n", time.seconds, time.microseconds);
#ifdef NOT_USED
static void
TimeToCounters(time, counterPtr)
Time time;
register IntersilCounters *counterPtr;
int *accumPtr;
register int seconds;
#define SECS_SINCE_1970_FOR(year) \
(((year - 1970) * SECS_PER_YEAR) + ((((year - 1970) + 3) / 4) * SECS_PER_DAY))
seconds = time.seconds - SECS_SINCE_1970_FOR(1984);
if (seconds < 0) {
printf( "Tried to set time before 1984\n");
counterPtr->year = seconds / SECS_PER_YEAR;
seconds %= SECS_PER_YEAR;
seconds -= ((counterPtr->year + 3) / 4) * SECS_PER_DAY;
if ((counterPtr->year % 4) == 0) {
accumPtr = accumSecsPerMonthLeap;
} else {
accumPtr = accumSecsPerMonth;
for (month = 1; month < 13; month++) {
if (seconds < accumPtr[month]) {
seconds -= accumPtr[month];
counterPtr->month = month;
counterPtr->day = (seconds / SECS_PER_DAY) + 1;
seconds %= SECS_PER_DAY;
counterPtr->hours = seconds / SECS_PER_HOUR;
seconds %= SECS_PER_HOUR;
counterPtr->minutes = seconds / 60;
counterPtr->seconds = seconds % 60;
counterPtr->tenths = time.microseconds / TENTH_SECOND;
counterPtr->hundredths =
(time.microseconds % TENTH_SECOND) / HUNDREDTH_SECOND;
#endif /* NOT_USED */
* TimerHardwareUniversalTimeInit --
* Not implemented yet.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
TimerHardwareUniversalTimeInit(timePtr, localOffsetPtr, DSTPtr)
Time *timePtr; /* Buffer to hold universal time. */
int *localOffsetPtr; /* Buffer to hold local offset. */
Boolean *DSTPtr; /* Buffer to hold DST allowed flag. */
* TimerSetHardwareUniversalTime --
* Not implemented yet.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
TimerSetHardwareUniversalTime(timePtr, localOffset, DST)
Time *timePtr; /* universal time. */
int localOffset; /* local offset. */
Boolean DST; /* DST allowed flag. */